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Durian Nutrition Benefits


However, although many people are well aware that eating durian will affect health because it increases both weight or blood sugar level. But does anyone know that? The benefits of durian are enormous.

The benefits of durian can be medicinal properties as follows.
Durain Meat : Help cure skin diseases. make the abscess dry quickly and can be anthelminti.

Peel : A hard outer peel with spikes ,when chopped, soaked in lime water. then can be used to heal wounds remove blisters.

Leaves: Boil with water and bathe,  help to cure fever and jaundice

Root: cut into pieces and boil with hot water,  drink to treat diarrhea well and extracts from leaves and roots of durian can be used as a remedy for fever.


Processed Durain 

Durain Meat : Can be made as dessert such as ice cream, cake, milk shake 

Leaves : Can be cooked same as vegetable.

Flower: Can be make HOMOK (  steamed fish with curry paste ), sour soup made of tamarind paste   

Peel: Can be produced into paper, paper made from durian bark has fibers that are softer and tougher than the pulp of mulberry paper. The paper can be used in the production of many products.


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Translated by: UTRAY.