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Food courts and restaurants in Malaysia have started using paper trays instead of foam or plastic


The government has been appointed SRIM  to research the  technology in various industries in Malaysia. It will educate, develop and  enhance  the quality of industry in the country. Therefore, the "Green-Blue Packaging Program" has been promoted. 

The project "Green-Blue Packaging Programme" is to promote the use of new materials to replace the use of packaging materials that are not environmentally friendly. focusing on the issue of not using Non-biodegradable food containers, such as styrofoam boxes. In addition to non-biodegradable, there are also toxic chemicals, causing the problem of clogging of sewer pipes and drains in various cities and affecting the environment in many aspects.

 Benefits of the Green-Blue Packaging Project

- It is useful and safe for the health of the people in the country. throughout the life cycle of material use

- When starting to use more It will meet the criteria of this market mechanism to reduce the cost of using renewable materials - the use of renewable energy from production, transportation and recycling.

- Increase efficiency in the use of substitute materials or materials that can be recycled

- This renewable material can be produced using clean and environmentally friendly production technology.

- Made from materials that are useful throughout the life cycle of the material itself.

- Physically designed to optimize the materials and energy used- It is an effective material in the production of biological and industrial closed loop cycles to reduce end-of-life problems in Malaysia such as Selangor and Penang Starting from 2010, the municipality has announced a project to refrain from using plastic bags every Saturday of the week. and encourage people to carry cloth bags or Recycle bags for shopping in department stores.If there are people who are not ready to cooperate or are not used to carrying cloth bags. People can buy plastic bags from department stores and shops. On January 1, 2016, the Melaka Municipality announced ban all  supermarket hypermarket and department stores are officially using plastic bags made from petroleum-based materials. Plastic bags are sold from these stores can be used in case people want to buy, are required to made from plastice made from plant.

According to policy, food centers and restaurants in Malaysia have started to use paper trays. paper cups and plates widely.

Benefits of using paper trays

- Safe, does not contain Styrene and Benzene found in foam boxes and does not contain OBA: Optical Brightening Agent.

- Environmentally friendly, biodegradable in nature

- Save time, don't have to divide employees to wash dishes make more sales

- Reduce costs, do not have to pay for dishwashing liquid or hire a staff to wash the dishes

- help increase profit When combining the above two And with the good looks of the paper tray It makes it possible to reduce expenses and increase income both in the short and long term.

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