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Does the recycle plastic really save the world ?


Many people think of recycle as one of the ways to save the world.,
 However, in another way, it seems to create an impact on the environment This article, we will take everyone to start asking questions about plastic. whether or not, it create an impact to the world.

Today we have 91% of plastic waste that was thrown away. Some put it in a landfill, some burn it or dump it into rivers and seas. These are problems that pollute the environment in every way. A Greenpeace report found that another 9% of global waste was recycled. and once it has been recycled Those plastics will be of such low quality which they cannot be recycled again. This is a process called Down cycle, which results in even less plastic entering the recycling system.
However. Recycling plastic is not a  good solution to the plastic problem on the world, the recycling process requires energy to heat the plastic and go through various chemical processes, causing pollution during the process.It inevitably affects the quality of air, water, and soil in nearby areas. Plastic comes from oil or natural gas, when smelted or burned, hydrocarbons are released that can damage the lungs, coordination system, and even the kidneys.
In addition, nowadays there are more complex additives than before, such as adding substances to create flexibility. Once the process has been completed, these substances are combined to form even more toxics. It also creates dioxins that are toxic, which accumulate in soil and water.,causing contamination in the environment.
Summary of the main reasons why recycling does not solve the plastic problem.
         1. Too much plastic waste is cannot be completely recycled, including most plastics cannot be recycled.
         2. Recycling plant release microplastics and toxins destroy the environment and uses high energy and costs.
         3. There is not yet  efficient technology or sufficient recycling capacity.