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Finding a way Consumer Paperboard team shows that they are up to the global challenge

ร่วมสู้ภัยโควิด 19

WestRock’s Asia Pacific Consumer Paperboard team demonstrated that they can continue to meet customer needs despite increased logistical challenges as they make and distribute products across multiple countries during this unprecedented time.  


In March, Universal Trays Co.,Ltd, our converting customer in Thailand, approached the Asia Consumer Paperboard team with new orders for TruServ paperboard trays. Thailand has experienced a surge in demand for paperboard trays since the government mandated that restaurants fulfill orders only by takeout and delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


In order to fulfill the new requests, the U.S. mill in Evadale, Texas, manufactured the paperboard and sent it to the facility in Low Moor, Virginia, for extrusion. Then, they shipped it halfway around the world. In today’s environment, this required additional protocol and presented new challenges, but the team took these in stride. 


“Our global team’s ability to fulfill these requests in a timely manner shows that WestRock has what it takes to continue to deliver for our customers in challenging times,” said Sze Ooi, regional sales and business development director. 


Not only did these orders meet a customer demand in time when inventories are low, but these paperboard trays had a special job to do. They will protect freshly made meals each day for medical workers at hospitals in Bangkok, Thailand, as part of the Food for Fighters initiative. 


“We are always motivated to help our customers at their greatest time of need,” said Quentin Yan, senior manager, strategic marketing. “But knowing our packaging will play a role in delivering fresh, safe meals to the people that are on the front lines of this pandemic is especially rewarding.”